The Ultimate Hall of Fame is pleased to announce the slate of candidates selected for consideration for the 2024 Hall of Fame class. This year, ten player-candidates were elevated from the Women’s division, ten player-candidates were elevated from the Open division, and eight player-candidates from the Mixed division. Contributor nominees are still under consideration for 2024. The 28 player-candidates advance to the next stage of the 2024 Ultimate Hall of Fame selection process.

Congratulations to these Ultimate Hall of Fame (HoF) finalists and all the nominees. It is indeed a high honor to be nominated and selected from the respective Open, Women’s division, and Mixed division player Peer Pools. This year’s candidates include those who competed at their best against the best in their primary division of play during the 2006 to 2014 peak playing years.

Candidate-submitted player competitive histories are included below.


Anna Nazarov

Eileen Murray

Jenny Fey

Johanna Neumann

Katherine Wooten

Liz Duffy

Maddy Frey

Manisha Daryani

Sarah Griffith

Val Dion


Ben Wiggins

Danny Clark

Dylan Tunnell

Jared Inselmann

Jeff Graham

John Hassell

Josh Ziperstein

Moses Rifkin

Robbie Cahill

Ron Kubalanza


Alicia Carr

An-Chi Tsou

Josh Hemmesch

Michael Faris

Raha Mozaffari

Skyla Sisco

Steve Finn

Will Sutton

The next step in the HoF Selection Process is the Call to Community which will take place in early October 2024. The entire ultimate community will be invited to share their commentary on the 2024 Slate.

From the final slate of 10 Open, 10 Women’s division, and 8 Mixed division player candidates, the eligible voting members of the Hall will cast their ballots for up to 5 Open division, up to 5 Women’s division, and up to 4 Mixed division players in 2 rounds of voting to select those individuals to be inducted into the Ultimate Hall of Fame. All final ballot player-candidates must achieve at least a 2/3rds majority to be inducted into the Hall. The Hall member vote will be held in early November with the 2024 Hall inductees announced ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Thanks to the Hall of Fame Vetting Committee

  • Suzanne Fields, Vetting Committee Chair
  • Women’s division Peer Pool Co-leaders: Dominique Fontenette, Gwen Ambler, Katey Forth, Miranda Roth Knowles, & Alicia White
  • Open division Peer Pool Co-leaders: Bart Watson, Jim Parinella, & Josh Markette
  • Mixed division Peer Pool Co-leaders: Pam Kraus, Scotty Conway, Kendra Frederick, & Emily Smith-Wilson
  • Contributor Coordinator: Jennifer Donnelly
  • Committee member: David Blau, President, Ultimate Hall of Fame Board