Selection Process

The Vetting Committee of the Ultimate Hall of Fame (HoF) leads the selection process to elect Hall inductees in the following categories; Player, Contributor, and Special Merit. Since the inception of the Hall in 2004, the Vetting Committee reviews input from the community, voters, along with the results of the prior year selection, to identify and incorporate incremental process improvements.

Step 1: identifying nominees that fit the peak playing year timeframe

Step 2: peer review and vote to identify a slate of candidates

Step 3: community input requested on the final slate of candidates

Step 4: vote-eligible members of the Hall of Fame select the new class of inductees

Player Category

Players with a distinguished record of achievement at the national and/or international level(s) in their primary division of play are eligible to be nominated as candidates in the Player category. Consideration of Hall-worthiness is focused on what the player nominees did “at their best against the best” during the peak playing years’ time frame under consideration for the current year’s selection process.

There are 4 stages that Player Candidates pass through as they are considered for induction into the Ultimate Hall of Fame. The first stage requires being Nominated in their primary division of play (Women’s, Open, or Mixed). Once nominated, the player must complete forms that detail the candidates’ competitive career. Division-based Peer Pools then participate in a rank-choice vote on the divisional candidates to inform the selection of a Final Slate of Player Candidates. The division-based Peer Pools include players who were actively playing at the national/international level during the Peak Playing Years under consideration, as well as Consultants; coaches, organizers, administrators, reporters/media, or others who have first-hand knowledge about the top tier competitors in that division during the Peak Playing Years under consideration.

In the second stage, the Vetting Committee uses the division-based Peer Pool voting results, along with candidate competitive history and letters of reference, to determine the final slate of candidates. 

In the third stage, the final slate of candidates is announced to the ultimate community with a public request for comment in the Call to the Community.

The fourth and final stage involves two rounds of voting by eligible members of the Hall to select the Player inductees from each division. Eligible voting members of the Hall must participate in the first round of Player candidate voting to vote in the second round. Player candidates must receive an affirmative vote from at least a two-thirds majority (66%) of the eligible Hall voters to be selected for induction into the Ultimate Hall of Fame.

2024 Selection Year Timeline; 2025 updates will be announced in April 2025:

Contributor Category

As a broad category, there can be many types of contributors considered; administrators, organizers, promoters, and coaches. 

For 2024, the focus is on Organizers; individuals who have made their mark through innovation in organizing significant play-related activities. This could include founding, establishing, developing, and fostering the growth of significant leagues, divisions, and/or tournaments that defined the sport in their time, and generally promoting the growth of the sport by making something significant happen.

Contributors to the sport of ultimate are honored as Contributor candidates and can be nominated through the nomination form detailing their contributions. The Contributor Advisory group can also nominate Contributor candidates and thereafter evaluates the nominations and recommends contributor candidates to the full Vetting committee for consideration for the Final Slate.

There are no minimum or maximum contributor candidates required for the final slate; in some years, there are no Contributor candidates. Contributor candidates are voted on in the final round of eligible Hall member voting and must receive an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds majority (66%) from the voters to be selected and thereafter be inducted into the Ultimate Hall of Fame.

Should a community member want to nominate a contributor, please use the Contributor Nomination/Nominee Information form. 

Special Merit Candidates

Candidates for Special Merit are reviewed separately from candidates in the other categories. The Vetting Committee will recommend a Special Merit candidate, if they so choose. The Special Merit candidate has a high supermajority voting requirement to ensure a very high standard of “specialness”; candidates will be approved if they receive at least 90% support from eligible Hall voters.

To nominate a player for the Ultimate Hall of Fame or as a member of the Player Peer Pools:

Women’s Division Candidate Forms

Open Division Candidate Forms

Mixed Division Candidate Forms

Contributor Form

Researching Competitive History

Use these Search Tools for Competitive History X Player/Teams:
Ultimate-Reference   For USA Ultimate National Championship data, search by CLUB + NONE + select Men, Women or Mixed to review top 4 teams; click on the team name to review roster, if available. OR enter individual candidate name in Search to obtain competitive history/results.
Ultimate Frisbee History in the US (Seidler site)  Search X Club, Player division,  and obtain Club Nationals Championship Results/Scores for top 4 teams from ’81-’21. Can also search this site by Worlds, USA Beach, Worlds Beach, and Championship Rosters for US and Worlds
USAU Archives – need to search by Year X Club X Division – this will provide Team Lists, Final Team Standing/Region/Finals Score

National Teams of Ultimate – Hartti database // Includes a Player Directory with individual look up with International Results

Important Resources 

A synopsis of historical adjustments and improvements to the selection process was published in 2022; please refer to the Resources posted below for additional detail.